Pump Suppliers & Distributors

Pump Performance

Pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of water horsepower output from the pump to the shaft horsepower input for the pump. Water horsepower is determined by the flow rate and pressure delivered from the pump. The shaft horsepower is delivered to the pump from the power unit, which usually is an electric motor or internal combustion engine.

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Pump Output

Very often pump manufacturers, suppliers and pump end users are faced with an issue in regards to whether or not the pump specifications meet the desired output necessary, if the system designed by the consultant is practical or ensures the mechanical integrity of the pumps they have purchased and are using. Our non-intrusive flow meters can play a useful role along with other general instruments to help the customer get the data they need to make decisions.

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How to Calculate Pump Efficiency

Pumps are everywhere and critical to industrial processes involving liquids. They come in all shapes and sizes – some inject a few trickles a day while others pump tens of thousands of gallons a minute. 

Pumps tend to be one of the biggest energy consumers in industrial operations. Pump motors, specifically, require a lot of energy. For instance, a 2500 HP triplex pump used for frac jobs can consume almost 2000 kW of power, meaning a full day of fracking can cost several thousand dollars in energy costs alone!

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Online Calculator Page from Process Associates

Pump Flow and Pipe Flow Calculations Apps for Download


This is a super website for engineers who are installing pumps and piping systems with resources to calculate pressure drops for various fluids including liquids and gasses. Almost every calculation for the technically adept. A great way to save time and money while figuring out your next process engineering move.

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