
Provider of Pumps and Other Industrial Products in Argentina

Argentina is known for being the largest producer of yerba mate and one of the largest producers of soybeans, maize, sunflower seed, lemon, pear, barley, grape, artichoke, tobacco, cotton, wheat, sugarcane, sorghum, and grapefruit. The country is also a traditional meat exporter, producing beef, honey, and wool. In terms of manufacturing, the largest sector in the nation’s economy, the leading sectors include food processing, beverages and tobacco products, motor vehicles and auto parts, textiles and leather, and refinery products and biodiesel. Despite its strengths, the Argentine economy has long struggled with high inflation, income inequality, and corruption. 

The country’s diversified industrial base includes a wide range of industries, such as food processing, beverage production, and refinery products, which require pumps for their operations. The need for pumps extends to the agricultural sector as well, where pumps are used for irrigation and other farming activities. Argentina’s significant oil and gas industry requires pumps for drilling, extraction, and transportation. The country’s mining industry, which is the fourth-largest producer of lithium worldwide, also relies heavily on pumps for its operations.

Find Pump Suppliers Locally in Argentina


Location: Carlos Berg 3151 (C1437FNE) Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: (+54-11) 4919-7172 / 4919-7248

Acquatron was founded in 1998, as a manufacturer of metering pumps and control instruments. Today it is the market leader in South America, and manufactures more than 20 different products.