Pump Suppliers & Distributors

Basu Technology

Pump Manufacturers India Basu Technology
Basu Technology

BEP is a leading manufacturer of Sonic Soot Cleaning System for Online Cleaning of Heat transfer equipments. Steam Traps, Air/Gas Traps, Air Vents.

Basu Technology

Website :
Telephone :
020 25388258
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Products :
BEP is a leading manufacturer of Sonic Soot Cleaning System for Online Cleaning of Heat transfer equipments. Steam Traps, Air/Gas Traps, Air Vents, Float Valves & condensate recovery system.
Description :
Today’s changing scenario of the process industries demands to minimize the cost of utilities to reduce their total cost of production. Our company caters to those needs & provides solution for better steam utilization. BEP Engineering Pvt. Ltd. formerly known as Basu Engineering Products is an ISO 9001 – 2008 certified organization established in 1994 based in Pune approx 200 Km. from Mumbai. Pvt.Ltd.Company – ISO 9001-2008 Certified Manufacturing company based in Pune.
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