Shijiazhuang Sunbo Pump

Pump Manufacturers China Shijiazhuang Sunbo Pump Co., Ltd
Shijiazhuang Sunbo Pump Co., Ltd

We devote ful l of us to offering high qu ality pumps, fast sa fe logistics, excelle nt customer serv ice and sincere partn er support, all long t ime. Welcome to us.

Shijiazhuang Sunbo Pump Co., Ltd

Telephone: 15633036415
Country: China
Products: Slurry Pump, Gravel Pump, Sump Pump, Froth Foam Pump, FGD Pump and its Spare Parts. MIssion pump
we are the china manufacturer of Slurry Pump, Gravel Pump, Sump Pump, Froth Foam Pump, FGD Pump and its Spare Parts. The Pumps are mainly used in handing rough solid and water mixture, abrasive resistance and corrosion resistance. The exact pump types are: AH, HH, L Series Horizontal Slurry Pump G Series Gravel Sand Pump SP Series Vertical Spindle Slurry Pump/ Sump Pump ZGB Series Heavy Duty Slurry Pump ZJ Series Light Duty Slurry Pump TL/DT Series FGD Flue Gas Desulphurization Pump WN Series Mud Pump Mission Centrifugal Pumps are widely used in oil gas industry。 The exact pump types are: Mission Magnum XP, SP12x10x23, and SP14x12x22 Mission Magnum1, SM10x8x14, SM8x6x14, SM8x6x11, SM6x5x14, SM6x5x11, SM5x4x14, SM4x3x13, SM3x2x13; Mission Sandmaster,SSA10x8x14, SSA8x6x14, SSA8x6x11, SSA6x5x14, SSA6x5x11, SSA5x4x14, SSA4x3x13, SSA3x2x13. Important, OEM is one of big part of our business. Sunbo accept OEM and ODM business according to Samples and Drawings, main material is Grey Iron and High Chrome Alloy, such as G01, G02, A05, A07, A49, A33…, and Rubber Parts in R08, R26, R33, R55, S42, S21, S31…, and also PU Material, Polyurethane U01.
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